Critical FAIRness or Is FAIRing CAREing? Open Science in Practice-Based Research in Art and Design

This Lunch & Learn series offers members of the UZH insights into various aspects of Open Science. The event begins with an half-hour input presentation and concludes with an open Q&A session.

General information

«Critical FAIRness» is an exploratory study on open research data in art and design that investigates the critical state of publishing in art and design. Even though practice-based research in art and design has been done in Switzerland for over 20 years, there is a lack of infrastructure that supports the transition from everyday documentation practices of researchers to public creative approaches, such as data repositories.

The term «critical» is used in reference to the urgent need to act and assist in the development of advanced infrastructures and formats that understand the process of sharing research data as socio-technological act on the claim of democratizing research and enhance the methods of practice-based research.

The talk focuses on the practices of open research data in practice-based research in art and design, by discussing the FAIR principles (Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reusability) and contrasting these with the CARE principles (Collective Benefit, Authority to Control, Responsibility, and Ethics), which are viewed as a critical revision of FAIR.

Critical FAIRness is a project at the Basel Academy of Art and Design FHNW, funded by swissuniversities.
Researchers at UZH and other institutions


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