Lunch & Learn Open Science / Pre-registration & Registered Reports: How to improve the credibility and reproducibility of your research

This Lunch & Learn series offers members of the UZH insights into various aspects of Open Science. The event begins with a half-hour input presentation and concludes with an open Q&A session.

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In this talk, Evie Vergauwe and Caro Hautekiet from the Université de Genève and the Swiss Reproducibility Network (SwissRN) will give participants a short introduction to preregistration.

They will cover the value of preregistration, give an overview of the different variations of the practice (preregistration, Registered Reports, and PCI-RR), and show how it can be implemented. Additionally, they will give some practical examples of the perceived advantages and disadvantages of preregistration (e. g., how to deal with unexpected events or errors requiring a deviation from the preregistration, what about exploratory research).


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